Book Review “Something Beyond the Pages: A World that is Hidden” by Rachael Shaw

BOOK REVIEW NO:154 (More to see on instagram @nikiprestonbookreviewer)

Contemporary Fantasy

First in series

Length : 167 pages


Adalyn is an average young girl seeking to escape an ordinary life. She gets handed a big responsibility and an adventure of a lifetime. This adventure is one that is hard to walk away from, especially when she forms a bond with an unusual character who is hiding a family secret.

Adalyn visits a place that holds magic and things beyond her imagination. Her dreams come true, but not always how she pictures them. Some make her want to turn and run for home.

Lies and revelations come to light and Adalyn experiences twists and turns before tears and blood are spilled. Good guys aren’t always good and bad guys aren’t always bad, you just have to work that one out for yourself.

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not real, it could be right under your nose. Hidden in plain sight, a world that no one has seen.


I was gifted this book by the author via twitter , not for any reason other than to read and see what I thought. So here goes …..

Flipping brilliant is how I am going to began. An utterly unique fantasy story that draws you right in from the first page. A story based around a young teenage girl, Adalyn, whose parents don’t really understand her and always think she’s up to something even though she actually isn’t. The creative writing style is brilliant and just holds you captivated throughout. If fantasy is your thing then this book will be right up your street. It is not your normal fantasy either, totally unique and enthralling. The plot fires your imagination and gets you involved with the characters completely. I was truly invested in Adalyn and just wanted her find that something, something beyond the pages.

I found it hard to put this book down. It is such a superbly descriptive story that I just had to keep reading to find out just what was going on, then it was over and I was sad it had ended. I can not wait for the next instalment.

With Thanks to Rachael Shaw for a copy of her awesome book.

Rachael Shaw http://@Rachiiieshaw